
Brazil Potion #9 Solvent Cleaner Poppers

Xavier Zuniga Reviews Brazil Potion #9 and Brown Bottle Extra Strong

Good evening my friends and loyal followers as well as those of you who have just happened upon my site, it’s Xavier Zuniga, Warehouse Manager and popper reviewer at Poppers4U back again. Welcome to all and let’s get down to the latest results from the Poppers4U Testing Center where we make stains routinely so that […]

Jungle Juice Max Large 30ml

Xavier Zuniga Reviews Mutiny and Jungle Juice MAX

Hello again!  It is Xavier Zuniga the overly friendly and generous Warehouse Manager here at Poppers4U.  I’ve reached back a bit into some of my earliest product tests conducted, as always, in the product testing center here at Poppers4U.  Believe me when I say that we have lots of ingenious ways to make messes that […]

dv8 Poppers cleaner - Deviate!

Xavier Zuniga Reviews DV8, Pig Sweat, and English White Label

As the warehouse manager here at Poppers4U I, Xavier Zuniga like to maintain a working knowledge of all the products we sell.  Our newest brand of solvent cleaner is DV8 (deviate) and I recently gave it a test run in our testing facility with a volunteer. To be honest, at first I was sort of […]